Optus Greenkeepers Revenge and Pathway Raffle

This year's Pathway Sponsor Program is being held on Thursday 31 August which is on the same day as our annual Greenkeepers Revenge tournament. It is a mixed team event where the focus is having fun on the golf course which has been tricked up by our greenkeepers with a variety of obstacles to play around.

The club's Pathway Sign Raffle will take place at the prize presentations which are kindly sponsored by Optus.  Prize presenations will start from about 5:45 on Thursday 31 August. A light finger buffet will be available for golfers and sponsors.


Optus, one of the club's new major sponsors this year, sponsor an event every quarter and this is greatly appreciated by the club and its staff as it also reduces the amount required by the greenkeepers, who are also sponsoring the event.  Thank-you.

Optus are also sponsoring a Movie Night on the Range - the date is to be confirmed. It is anticipated to occur in December 2023.

Thank you to our new members, Pieter & Corli van Rensberg and Gary Lloyd from Optus.

Pathway Raffle & Catering at the Greenkeepers Revenge

The club is conducting the Pathway Raffle draw for the 16 pathway signs between the club's greens and tees. The draw will take place at 6pm at the Greenkeeper presentations.

The club's new chef, Chris Gourley, will be providing a light buffet for the golfers and sponsors attending Pathway Raffle presentations.

Course care

The condition of the course is important to all of us.

Max and his team have been consulted for their top tips on how members can assist in keeping the course looking great.

From Max's perspective, the following are essential for assisting his team at Capel Golf Club:

1/ On Greens - Repair pitch marks in correct manner (push in not up ). Repair yours and at least one other.

2/ On tees - Chop divots in - if sand is used only a small amount and levelled not heaped.

3/ Fairway divots as per above with sand used and again not heaped and levelled. As heaped sand ruins cutting units and turf not grow through properly.

4/ If it is a "chunky" divot it can be replaced and patted down but only if thick, it is not a requirement to do so though.

5/ Bunkers raked correct manner not dragged to edge but pushed back, enter and exit at lowest point, not walk up the green side of bank (Max has encountered more lately). If you have time, rake other items that need attention. Please note the bunker rake has been adjusted recently to soften the bunkers which means the sand may be more undulating.

6/ Driving Range - on the grassed practice area, please can golfers hit balls with snake pattern as per pic.


Max has found a number of YouTube videos about course care. However, they all have bits that don't relate to us so Max is weighing up if he will make a few short videos to cover the topics above.